Sunday, May 23, 2010

What is this????!!!!???? Seriously!

I know I've been lacking in any kind of interesting post as of late.  Maybe because I've been distracted by this....

Seriously....what in the H-E-Double Hockey Sticks are these orange, claw like fingers growing out of the garden????  We have never seen these before, ever.  They have just sprouted...the last pic is of what I can only assume is the seed.  The seed is soft and squishy like a marshmallow.  It didn't smell like anything, though I can't really smell at all due to congestion...and yes, I know it's weird to smell stuff, but it's what I do.   It did provide a good opportunity to teach the kids that these are not in fact carrots or witch fingers and how produce grows and the unlikely nature of buried witches in the front yard.

Anywho....they're pretty creepy.  Any thoughts?


Melissa823 said...

I'm freaked out.

Courtney said...

That is freaking scary. If it were in my yard, my kids would have to convince ME it wasn't witches' fingers...

Rachel said...

My neighbor ruined the mystique by telling what this was....but, I'm not going to tell just yet...

Unknown said...

I think it's a fungus. The internet says to spray it with bleach.

Liz Chapman said...

I think I just threw up in my mouth a little..

Rachel said...

Ding, ding, ding! Doug, the much older and wiser brother got it right! These are actually a form of MUSHROOM! Can you believe it? I was so disappointed when our neighbor told us...I was kinda holding out hope for something cooler, like an exotic orange unicorn bush...or money tree. My neighbor wouldn't even pretend to eat one either...what a party pooper!

Crafty P said...

weird. how did I miss this post?