Monday, April 30, 2012

Day 30 Photo!!!

Well, I did it!  I took or scanned a photo (or 3 or 4) everyday this month!!  Fatmumslim is having yet another photo-a-day challenge for May.  The last prompt for April is "something that makes you sad"...

I kinda wish the challenge had ended on a happier topic, but then again, this is real life.  I'm sure I could have come up with something clever and silly, like, the load of laundry that needs to be moved from the washer to the dryer that I forgot about until midnight makes me 'sad'.  Or, The Good Wife was a repeat makes me 'sad'.  But, in the spirit of honesty, Trey's cancer does make us sad (the real kind), but Trey brings us JOY.  

I thought this challenge was fun and made me use a creative corner of my brain.  Plus, I had to do some time management to make it work everyday.  I'd encourage anyone to try it, even if you take the photos, then wait and post multiple pics at one time!

1 comment:

Courtney said...

You make me happy. And so does seeing your creativity in approaching this challenge. Thanks for sharing little prices of your home, heart and mind.